Monday, 18 August 2008

V Festival, Chelmsford

This was something different for us as we usually attend more family orientated festivals but as we live only minutes from the site I thought it would be a good idea to go.

I approached the event with some trepidation as I was very unsure what to expect. However after the usual hassles of getting on site to set up, the sun was shining and I felt a bit more positive about it all. The grotto looked great really colourful and stocked with more tutus than ever before.

Living so close it was lovely to be able to go home and shower etc and get ready for the first day with such home comforts as a proper cup of tea and flushing toilet (though not at the same time!)

Saturday proved to be much as predicted we were busy, everyone was drunk but happy and the site began to look more rubbish infested by the minute. The fencing opposite the stall soon became a public toilet but overall the atmosphere was good and the weather held out.

Sunday started grey but by the time we were on site the sun was out and it was scorching. After spending a good chunk of time getting the swimming pool off the roof of the grotto we were ready for another busy day. The atmosphere on Sunday felt a lot better and more relaxed, I think most people were a feeling a bit more sedate after their second night of not much sleep and overall I felt it was a better day. we didn't get to see much of the music but I did catch Amy Macdonald who was fantastic and Dan went to see Stereophonics who were great apparently.

Rosie helped on the stall once more as did our friends Steve and Alison who jumped in when ever we needed them and also very kindly took Saff with them to see alot of the bands.

We met some lovely people and caught loads of you on camera so see if you can spot yourself on the slide show.

Today was spent drying everything out and reloading up the car for the next festival Towersey Village Festival which is a much more family friendly festival so will be more relaxed hopefully.

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