Thursday, 26 February 2009

Latest Wings


The fairies have been busy in their grotto making the latest batch of fairy finesse wings. These will be added to the website shortly.
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Sunshine Fairy Wings


I finished these wings yesterday for a customer who wanted to be a sunshine fairy this year at festivals. Small but perfectly formed I thought!
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Wednesday, 11 February 2009

Fairy Hair

At last I have uploaded the Fairy Hair onto our website, check out hair currently in stock. These are just a few of the many available.

Friday, 6 February 2009

New Wings

New Wings

Here at Fairy Finesse we have had a busy start to the year attending lots of fairy and pirate parties but in between entertaining children I have been busy creating new wings for next seasons festivals.

Please see slideshow above to see the wings I have completed so far but keep checking back as I have lots more wings in progress. Some of the wings still need to named so any suggestions would be most welcome.

Our first festival this year will be the Elf Fantasy Fair in the Netherlands in April. This is an amazing event where people wear the most amazing costumes and really get into charector. I am hoping to go with lots of new wings to sell so I shall be a busy but happy fairy creating new stock.

Sending you all a sprinkling of fairy dust.....