Friday, 27 June 2008

3 Wishes Faery Fest

Well we're back from the 3 Wishes Faery Fest, having survived the rain and wind, dissapointed my brand new massive all singing and dancing tent still managed to leak!! I'm now sitting in what was once our lovely dining room but has since evolved into the kids play room but now seems to have turned into the Fairy Finesse stock room and not a very tidy one at that. You can harldy see the computer due to tutus and wings everywhere!

Its been a busy week drying all our camping bits out, getting the kids back into a routine and of course getting ready for Guilfest next week. It's also been very busy on the party front with lots of bookings taken this week and a party tommorow to prepare for.

The trip to 3Wishes did not start well, we set off last Thursday in my very overloaded car only to reach the traffic lights down the road before people starting beeping and pointing at us. No they weren't impressed by my amazing driving ability but more stunned by my stupidity at driving off without closing my roof box properly! We had left a trail of wings and fairy hair all along the road, and after Saff and me running to capture them all before they got ruined we then had the impossible task of trying to reclose the roof box while parked at a busy junction. It was not looking good and I must admit I was almost ready to admit defeat as the box refused to lock, eventually after going begging to the tool hire shop and borrowing a length of rope we managed to close the box and get back home for a repack. The box still refused to lock so several bungees and rope ties later we set off for Cornwall. Needless to say the bungees did not last the trip and we had to retie several times after losing an orange tutu on route!

Eventually we arrived on Bodmin Moor feeling tired and stressed but at least it was still dry and we managed to get the stall up, if not much else. Several hours later after a dash to the local A&E with our poor friend Kate who badly scalded her legs from a camping kettle accident we collapsed exhausted into our b&b for the night. Unfortunately the luxury of that was not for the whole trip as the next morning my mum and Saff battled to get the tent up before the rain really got going.

It then rained continously for the next two days with Saturday night also bringing strong winds. Sunday thankfully dawned sunny if not warm so at least the stall had a chance to dry out and it was lovely to see the arena full of people at last. Despite the rotten start to our trip we did manage to sell loads of fairy goodies to the festival goers once again our fairy hair proved our most popular item.
Our lovely new friend Vicky

Are we having fun yet?

Some of our fairy customers;

Wednesday, 11 June 2008

Mooch With The Fairies

Fairy Finesse had a lovely time at 'Mooching With The Fairies' at Sparkles Fairy Festival last weekend. I unfortunately was only able to go on the Sunday and was very jealous when my husband and daughter set off Saturday morning. They had a good day particularly thanks to the helpful people on the next stall who spent time teaching them diablo and poi tricks.

I set off to man the stall on the Sunday along with my lovely mum. By the time we arrived the fairies really where smiling down on us as it was a scorcher of a day. The site looked fantastically colourful and everywhere you looked where fairies and other magical creatures. The venue of Groombridge Place couldn't of been better with wandering peacocks and beautiful gardens and of course the enchanted forest.

The day passed very quickly as we sold so many wonderful goodies to fairies young and slightly more mature. Our most popular product proved to be our new fairy hair so I was very pleased about that and am now busy making more for the upcoming 3wishesfaeryfest.

Heres just a few of our lovely customers;

Thursday, 5 June 2008

Sparkle's Fairy Festival - This Weekend

well yet another busy week. It was my son's pirate party last weekend which was fun if noisy but we had a great time. I'm busy planning for a fairy party on Saturday but we also have a stand at Sparkle's Fairy Festival, this weekend. The event is at Groombridge Place, Tunbridge Wells on both Saturday and Sunday, the will be stilt walkers, fire spinning, face painting, children's workshops, fairy market and of course fairies galore.

My lovely husband is going to be running the stall on Saturday and I will be there on Sunday so do come along and browse our fairy goodies.