Wednesday, 28 May 2008

Surrey County Show

Well another event another soaked fairy! Having travelled to Guilford on the Sunday to set up our fairy grottos, we awoke Monday morning to heavy rain and wind. I was very anxious whether our grotto would have stayed up, thankfully when we arrived on site it was standing unlike alot of others!
Within five minutes of unloading in the rain we were soaked despite waterproofs and wellies, feeling very disheartned Sapphire suggested we try to move trading spots to inside the shopping marquee. A very wise choice, despite the fact that even that was leaking we did manage to set out our fairy stock and sell lots of tutus and other fairy essentials to the customers brave enough to venture out on a horrible bank holiday Monday.

I didn't get many photos of our customers as people were taking their goodies home rather than wearing them, due to the rain mostly I think, however I did manage to snap a couple of customers!

Tuesday, 20 May 2008

Essex Food Fair

Another busy weekend over. We had a 5th Fairy Birthday party for the lovely Amy on Saturday afternoon, unfortnately the weather was horrible but we still managed to put up our fairy grotto inside so the party was a fun and magical event with some lovely polite little fairies which is always nice.

Sunday we were due at the Essex Food Fair, so we set off with the kids (my mum had been due to babysit but had been taken poorly) and the fairy grotto and as many fairy craft bits as I could squeeze in the car. This lead to a fairly stressful start to the day but at least the sun was shining. We set up our pitch and although this event is really nice and the people that organise it are lovely we had a very quiet day. I did however manage to get some lovely photos in the walled garden.
We are now busy preparing for our next event the Surrey County Show at Guildford on bank holiday Monday 26th May. No rest for these fairies!

Some of the lovely fairies who visited our grotto;